Doctrine of the affections

The doctrine of the affections, also known as the ''doctrine of affects'', ''doctrine of the passions'', ''theory of the affects'', or by the German term Affektenlehre (after the German ''Affekt''; plural ''Affekte'') was a theory in the aesthetics of painting, music, and theatre, widely used in the Baroque era (1600–1750). Literary theorists of that age, by contrast, rarely discussed the details of what was called "pathetic composition", taking it for granted that a poet should be required to "wake the soul by tender strokes of art". The doctrine was derived from ancient theories of rhetoric and oratory. Some pieces or movements of music express one ''Affekt'' throughout; however, a skillful composer like Johann Sebastian Bach could express different affects within a movement. Provided by Wikipedia

by Giacomini, Lorenzo
Published 2004
Guerini scientifica