Richard Bulkeley

Richard Bulkeley may refer to:

*Richard Bulkeley III, MP for Anglesey (1589) *Richard Bulkeley (died 1573), MP for Anglesey (variously between 1549 and 1572) *Richard Bulkeley (died 1621) (1533–1621), MP for Anglesey (1563, 1604–1614), son of the above *Richard Bulkeley (died 1640), MP for Anglesey (1626–1629) *, trawler, originally HMT ''Richard Bulkeley'', later USS ''Richard Bulkeley'' Provided by Wikipedia

by Bulkeley, Richard
Published 1795
printed for G. Terry, No 54, Paternoster-Row. As there may be mutilated or spurious Editions published under the above titles, the Public are requested to give Orders for Terry's Verbation Edition

by Bulkeley, Richard
Published 1708
printed for B. Bragg at the Black Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, and are to be sold by most booksellers in London and Westminster

by Bulkeley, Richard
Published 1795
printed and sold by John Morphew, near Stationers Hall, 1708. Reprinted in the year of Christ, 1795. And sold by John Wright, Dorset Street; and G. Riebau, No. 439, Strand

by Bulkeley, Richard
Published 1708
printed, and sold by John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall

by Bulkeley, Richard
Published 1708
printed by John Moncur, and sold at Mr. Robert Freebairn's shop in the

by Bulkeley, Richard
Published 1707
Printed, and sold by John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall

by Whitro, Abraham
Published 1709
printed and sold by J. Baker at Mercers-Chappel in Cheapside
Other Authors: ...Bulkeley, Richard...