John Finch

John Finch may refer to:

* John Finch (martyr) (1548–1584), English Roman Catholic farmer * John Finch (MP for Winchelsea) (died 1642) * John Finch, 1st Baron Finch (1584–1660), Speaker of the House of Commons, 1628–1629 * John Finch (ambassador) (1626–1682), ambassador of England to the Ottoman Empire * John Finch, 6th Earl of Winchilsea (1682/83–1729), English peer * John Finch (died 1740) (1689–1740), MP for Maidstone 1722–1740 * John Finch (died 1763) (c. 1692–1763), MP for Higham Ferrers 1724–1741 and Rutland 1741–1747 * John Thomas Finch (1930–2017), British structural biologist * John A. Finch (1852–1915), English businessman * John B. Finch (1852–1887), American politician and educator, chairman of the Prohibition Party * John W. Finch (1873–1951), American mining engineer Provided by Wikipedia

by Finch, John
Published 1850
Baines & Herbert

by Finch, John
Published 1844
Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans

by Finch, John
Published 1836
Printed at the Albion Newspaper office, and may be had of the booksellers

by Finch, John
Published 1994
Springer US

by Finch, John H.
Published 2005
Edward Elgar Pub

by Araujo, Luis
Published 2010
Oxford University Press
Other Authors: ...Finch, John...

Published 2003
Springer US
Other Authors: ...Finch, John R....