Ottobah Cugoano

Ottobah Cugoano ( 1757 – after 1791), also known as John Stuart, was an abolitionist, political activist, and natural rights philosopher from West Africa who was active in Great Britain in the latter half of the 18th century.

Captured in the Gold Coast and sold into slavery at the age of 13, he was shipped to Grenada in the West Indies. In 1772, he was purchased by a merchant who took him to England, where Cugoano learned to read and write, and was freed. Later working for artists Richard and Maria Cosway, Cugoano became acquainted with several British political and cultural figures. He joined the Sons of Africa, a group of African abolitionists in Britain. Provided by Wikipedia

by Cugoano, Ottobah
Published 1787
Sold by T. Becket, bookseller, Pall-Mall; also by Mr. Hall, at No. 25, Princes-Street, Soho; Mr. Phillips, George-Yard, Lombard-Street; and by the author, at Mr. Cosway's, No. 88, Pall-Mall

by Cugoano, Ottobah
Published 1791
Printed for, and sold by, the author, No. 12, Queen-Street, Grosvenor-Square. Sold also by Mr. Kirby, Oxford-Street; Mr. Bell, Strand; Mr. Simonds, Pater-Noster-Row; Mr. Steel, Tower-Hill; and Mr. Taylor, Royal-Exchange